Should You Take Up Woodturning?

In this post, we really want to have you ask yourself one simple question: will you enjoy turning? In other words, is it worth it?

Good question! The only way to know is to learn as much about the sport as possible before investing your hard-earned money. Only then can you begin to judge whether turning is for you. More than likely the last thing you need is another unused tool taking up valuable shop space.

Fortunately, there are several good options available to you:

1) Take a turning class – Many woodworking retail stores offer or sponsor classes in woodturning. Check to see if there are any such opportunities in your area.

2) Attend a club meeting – The American Association of Woodturners sponsors local clubs in nearly every region of the country. Chances are good that there is a club within driving distance of you. Attend a meeting or two and talk to the members. More than likely you’ll meet someone who is willing to help you with the decision process.

3) Visit a local turner – Post a message on an online woodturning discussion forum or two and inquire whether there are any turners in your local area. Odds are you’ll find someone within driving distance who is willing to help. See, for example, the r/turning subreddit, or the Sawmill Creek forum.

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